Music and dance performance for deaf and hearing audience with an installative composition for 3 theremins transmitted onto vibrating seats and movement of light

Snitmønster opens up a world full of images, sounds and stories in which gigantic pieces of clothing pose big questions: How did life actually begin? Why are we all here? And what do we do in order to fit together?

Premiered January 22nd, 2022 at FELD Theater, Berlin

Artistic Director and Performance: Teresa Hoffmann
Music, Concept of Sound Translation, Co-Creation and Performance: Christine Boersch-Supan Performance and Co-Creation: Gaetane Douin
Light: Rica Pinu
Dramaturgy: Elisabeth Leopold
Costume and Stage Design: Nadine Goepfert & Julia Riedel
Outside Eye: Gabi dan Droste, Jan Kress und Claude Jansen
Production: Lina Höhne

Funded by Fonds Darstellende Künste, Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg & Hamburgische Kulturstiftung

snitmønster_Trailer.mp4 from Teresa Hoffmann on Vimeo.
